Reflexologist's hands working on client's foot


Reflexology is a complementary therapy that is based on the theory that different points and areas on the feet, lower leg, hands, face and ears correspond with different areas of the body. It is an ancient therapy which has been practised for over 5000 years. Like traditional Chinese medecine (TCM), reflexology relies on theories where points on the body correspond to different areas or bodily organs. Unlike TCM, reflexology focuses on the feet, hands, face and ears.

These points or areas can help aid relaxation, improve mood, release tension, enhance sleep. You may find it helps improve your wellbeing, enabling you to cope better with the stresses that life can bring.

It is a supremely relaxing treatment, and in this post Covid world provides essential therapeutic touch and emotional balance to bodies that have experienced prolonged periods of heightened stress, isolation, worry and fear.

Treatment length 1 hour
Cost €70